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Secrets of Success in life

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on Thursday, July 14, 2011

Posted at : 6:06 AM

Success can be achieved only through experiences of trial and suffering, which makes the soul strengthened. Through confidence our vision should be clear and we can gain strength.

We must do the thing, which we cannot do. Each and every experience teaches us a good lesson, whether the experience is success or failure. Failure is the stepping stone for success.

These are the 7 secrets of success:
•Aim high: always aim high so that we can reach our goal
•Be cool: Take things in a lighter side and be cool always.
•Every minute is precious: Time is precious don’t waste or postpone what you can do today.
•Reflect before you act: Before committing or commencing think twice.
•See the world: Look around and be conscious in what ever you do.
•Be up to date: Be alert and gather all the information and keep your eyes open.
•Push hard to achieve your goal: Goal should be the only aim and need to work hard to achieve your goal.
“A winner is not one who never fails, but one who never quits in life”.”

One who wins without problem it is just “VICTORY” One who wins with lost of troubles it is History”. These are the Diamond words of Hitler.

Tips for a healthy relationship

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 6:06 AM

Maintaining a healthy relationship requires lot of love, faith, understanding and definitely blessings. True love and faith will make the relationship very stronger. Understanding and forgiveness between each will lead the relationship to sail in a better way.

Love and take care of yourself: We need to be strong, flexible and make our hearts strong. So do exercise to stay healthy. Move your body in ways that are fun for you like listening music, playing with pets, swimming etc. Eat balanced diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and healthy foods.

Take time to express the love: Try and do express love in many ways through loving touch, kind touch, spending time together, by appreciation, by giving surprise gifts and by nurturing each other. This will help to explore your affection. Discover and bring new and fresh ideas and share it with your partner.

Understand yourself: Without blaming or judgment meet each other and share what is true for you. Be compassionate within yourself and with your partner. Analysis the problems and give importance to the feelings.

Sex: There should not be any boundaries which will bring you together with fire of passion. Sexual intimacy is a way to enhance connection between you two.

Clear communication: Communications plays an important role in the healthy relationship, avoid argument, listen to each other, look at each other, give respect, do not use harsh words and don’t abuse. Try to find a solution in an amicable ways instead of hurting individual views. An argument will never be a salvation instead it will break the relationship without understanding. Stay calm and relax.

Sharing: Be positive as much as possible. Pray and meditate for all your dreams to fulfill and to lead a healthy, loveable and happy life. Share your dreams and vision and move toward it with courage. Do any favor with whole heartedly and happy for your partner if it can be done.

Tips for Mental Health

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 6:05 AM

Mental health is how we maintain our inner strength in healthy way and what all the practices we can do to keep our self and our mind always in relax.

Build confidence by identifying your abilities. Each and every one is blessed with lot of abilities, do the best with what you have. At the same times try to accept and build the weaknesses which is lacking you. Confidence level should be immense to balance the life.

Exercise and balanced diet will definitely reduce your stress level. Life can be made easy and enjoyable with the proper care and attention where you give by yourself. Rest is very essential sound sleep and proper rest taken after every tight schedule work is must.

Spending time with family and friends will help you sharing life’s joy and also sorrows. Relationships need to be nurtured it should not be taken for granted. If it is taken for granted you will be all alone in this world. Give time and spend time for the relationship who loves and take care of you. Friends and family relationships thrive whey are “put to the test”. So always give and accept the support from them.

Budget: Prepare a balance budget reduce or avoid Over spending than our needs. Financial problem is also one of the reasons to cause stress. Saving habit will help to solve the financial problems.

Managing stress is an art learning how to deal with them when they threaten and to overwhelm us will maintain our mental health. Involve and try spending time in helping others those who are in need which will give your more mental satisfaction.

Sharing problems with your near ones may help you find a solution and will make you feel less isolated. Express our feelings of anger sadness, joy and fear in a safe and constructive ways, which will help in reducing stress.

Learn to balance what you can and cannot change about yourself and get to know who you are and what makes you really happy. Learn to be at peace with yourself always.

Tips to relax your body and your mind

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 6:05 AM

Relaxation is the most and very important activity which should be adapted by everyone. “Very busy no time to relax” is the common statement which can be heard nowadays. Relaxations boosts up your body and rejuvenate your mind and can optimize success.

Implement a passive attitude. Don’t try to make anything happen. Move toward with a “let it be” perspective. Approach every thing in an easy manner. Do not strain yourself.

Choose an environment that is free of distractions. Practice relaxation with various techniques and ad days goes you will be more familiar with it and will learn to relax anywhere you need.

Keep yourself safe: Set up a place and make sure that you are in a setting that does not bother any things other than your relaxation. Position yourself on chair with neck and back support, a firm bed, or a mat, choose a comfortable position that can maintain for at least 10 minutes of relaxation.

Practice often: Relaxation is a skill that must be learned everyday is best . Start with short relaxation sessions. With practice starting from 5 minutes to 20 minutes is quite reasonable.

Set a time: Choose a time to relax either during early morning or while sleeping doesn’t matter. Relaxation can be given to your body and mind also during the high level of stress. When your stress level increased automatically your energy becomes low during such time relaxation is very essential.

There is no specific method to relax each and everyone can choose according to their wish and can try our different strategies to see which one meet your needs.

draw backs for Watching TV causes obesity diabetes

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 6:03 AM

Watching TV is an ideal way to pass time it is enjoyable and does not require any effort. Most children plug into the world of television long before they enter school. In India, children between four and 14 years form the largest segment of viewers (23 percent) followed by 15-25 years olds (22 per cent) and 25-35 years old (20 per cent).

Diet control tipps

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 5:56 AM

1. Take control of what you eat. Weight watchers should have complete control over what they eat. One should never have the habit of eating everything laid in front of them. Eat as much as required. In simple, do not over-eat.

2. More of fruits, vegetables and whole grains are important for daily healthy life. Increase the intake of unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These types of foods can be consumed in plenty without gaining weight. Meat can be included in ones diet, care should be taken that its lean meat and not the deep fried ones.

3.Eat more fiber. Fiber rich diet should be made an integral part of one's meal. This not only aids in increasing the metabolism but makes us feel full sooner and stays longer in the stomach ensuring decrease in appetite. Refined grains like white rice and those used to make white bread and sugary breakfast cereals have had most of their fiber and nutrients striped away.

They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself, they can cause a spike in our insulin level. This tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.

4. Cutting down on sugar is essential as the insulin spike caused by eating foods like white rice is even more dramatic when eating sugar itself. One has to be cautious on sugar in coffee and soda pop. It can add up quickly, and these drinks aren't filling.

5. Too little of a good thing. Fat should not be totally eliminated from our diet for its required to maintain a healthy body. One should learn to differentiate between beneficial and hazardous saturated fats.

6. Eat frequently, but always eat slowly. Never skip a meal, and eat healthy snacks between meals. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs, provides consistent energy, and maintains metabolism efficiency. Human bodies are designed with survival mechanism which results in slowing down the metabolic activity when one tends to go on a crash diet or skips a meal to conserve energy. Eating slowly gives our body time to tell us they are full before we eat more than we need.

7. Consume lots of warm water. Consumption of lots of warm water not only burns the calories but also increases the metabolic activity.

8. Avoid fried foods. Fried foods, especially deep-fried, although they are tasty to eat contain a great amount of fat. While chicken and fish are usually leaner than beef, they can contain more fat than beef when they are fried.

9. Cut down on fat when you treat yourself to a Pizza avoid the luxury of the extra layer of cheese or mayonnaise. Eliminate the cream from your salads.

10. Exercise regularly. Exercise not only helps to burn calories, but your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you stop exercising. If walking is all you can do, then walk because it's been proven to be great for you. But don't sit too long. The human body is good at adapting. If you dig ditches without gloves, you will develop calluses to protect your hands. If you sit too long, you will develop extra padding to keep you comfortable!

11. Increase your protein intake. Without protein your body cannot build new muscle. Protein also helps to increase your metabolism - which burns calories.

Diet control for weight loss

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on

Posted at : 5:55 AM

Burn calories at a higher rate. Control your diet and maintain and reduce your waistline.

Weight loss can be achieved in many ways. You can achieve weight loss by diet control, exercising, yoga, medicines, etc.

The best way is to follow a combination of all these to ensure that your daily routing life is not affected in any way.

The thumb rule is very simple "be happy". Always try to come out of stress and other worries. Feel free and flying. Most of us feel very heavy and tired only because of our mind. Mind is the cause of all diseases. Your confidence is what will talk about your fitness.

Know all, follow what your want. You are the best judge for yor life.