Treatment for Low Back Pain

Filed Under ( ) by Jyothi on Thursday, July 14, 2011

Posted at : 5:47 AM

Low Back Pain can occur to computer surfers who spend long hours at a same position, bike riders, where the bike does not have enough shock absorbers, and others who normally are into routine type of work. Backbone and the Spinal chord are very important parts of the body, which manages the entire structure.

Keeping them healthy is very important. Low back pain be overcome by following certain simple exercises. Computers surfers can follow workplace workouts to avoid back pain and stress.

Trunk Flexion Stretch
a) On hands and knees, tuck in chin and arch back.
b) Slowly sit back on heels, letting shoulders drop towards floor.
c) Hold for 45 to 60 Seconds

Alternate Arm Leg Extension Exercise
a) Face floor on hands and knees.
b) Raise left arm and right leg. Do not arch neck.
c) Hold for 10 seconds and release.
d) Raise right arm and left leg. Do not arch neck.
e) Hold for 10 seconds and release

Pelvic Tilt Exercise
a) Lie on back with knees bent, feel flat on floor, and arms at sides
b) Flatten small of back against floor. (Hips will tilt upward)
c) Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and release. Gradually increase your holding time to 60 seconds

Prone Lumbar Extension
Purpose: To extend your lower back
a) Lie on your stomach and place your hands on the floor near the sides of your head.
b) Slowly push your upper body off the floor by straightening your arms, but keep your hips on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax your arms, moving back to the floor

Alternate Leg Extension
a) Lie on your stomach with your arms folded uneder your chin.
b) Slowly lift one leg - not too high - without bending it, while keeping your pelvis flat on the floor.
c) Slowly lower your leg and repeat with the other leg.


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